Saturday, April 27, 2013

Design Traveler: Trip planning

Design Traveler: Trip planning - dream house is a house that could make us comfortable and teang when occupied and the family, in the blog Home Design Ideas we will present many design options as well as a comfortable home interest you to know, ok now we will discuss Design Traveler: Trip planning we have accumulated a lot Data for making this article, please read:

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Design Traveler: Trip planning

I don't know about you but I am a total trip planner..  I like to have an itinerary that notes just about everything (there is always a section for free time-but it is noted!)  I was at dinner with my Mom and Sister last week and my Sister said to me- "I don't like to travel with anyone else, you always have everything planned.  I don't have to worry about anything, I know our next move and what I am supposed to be doing when I get there."  Some people love this and let's face it some do not love it.  I am a planner, I have to have all of this in one place or I will never find it when I need it most, because on top of being a planner I am always a little bit late and a little bit frazzled!  This type of pre planning keeps the vacation moving for me and those with me or we would never make a decision. 

So I have been planning our trip for the past few weeks and I keep finding more things I would like to do.  I have been to Paris several times and there are so many wonderful parts, I want to see something new each and every time but I still want to visit my favorites for a second, third, fourth.. well you get the idea.  I have been stalking Paris blogs and I have fallen deeply for this one.. Paris in Four Months, mostly because she is living a dream and because her images are beautiful, but also because she is posting about sweets around Paris a lot!!! 

So now I have too many things on our list and I think we will be running from one musee to the next or I might have to eliminate something somewhere.. so sad! (But so exciting at the same time!) 

I would love to hear how you plan for your trips?  Do you make a list and do what you feel like when you arrive?  Do you plan every outfit for every occassion including accessories, like one of my best friends?  Do you fly by the seat of your pants?

image via (another group of beautiful paris pics)

If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

so enough information about Design Traveler: Trip planning may be useful for anada and family to build your dream home, if you need please book mark this page at the link